Last week, members of the VALIDATE-project consortium met up in Heidelberg for our sixth meeting. It was a fantastic opportunity to review the current state of the project, share updates, address challenges, and discuss our next steps.
We are recruiting patients for our non-interventional study at our three pilot sites Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, Vall d’Hebron Hospital Campus in Barcelona, and Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg with the help of our shadow researchers. Despite facing some challenges, we currently have recruited 39 stroke patients, and discussed in depth how we can increase recruitment for the upcoming months. Another challenge that we addressed is the software’s integration into the hospital information systems, which we are attempting to resolve soon.
We are excited about the upcoming phases of the project and cannot wait to share more updates with you. A huge thank you to everyone who could attend and thank you to Susanne Bonekamp for hosting us. We are looking forward to our next meeting!